维珍妮凭一贯优秀的投资者关系表现 连续三年 夺得 「 投资者关系大奖 」获颁首届「投资者关系承诺 证书 」

09/15/2021 | 投资者关系

维珍妮凭一贯优秀的投资者关系表现 连续三年 夺得 「 投资者关系大奖 」获颁首届「投资者关系承诺 证书 」

(2021年 9月 15日 香港讯 ))— 全球领先的贴身内衣创新设计制造商 (「 IDM」) 维珍妮国际(控股)有限公司 (「维珍妮」或「公司」,连同附属公司,统称「集团」)(股份代号 2199欣然宣布 于 「 香港投资者关系协会 —2021第七 届投资者关系大奖 」 (「 IR大奖 」) 荣获 「 投资者关系大奖 」 (连续三年及 「 投资者关系优异认证 」 并 获颁 首届 「投资者关系承诺证书」 ,再次证明集团于投资者 关系方面一贯的卓越 表现 获 业界 充分认可。


IR大奖由香港投资者关系协会 HKIRA 主办,旨在 表扬于投资者关系表现优越的专才及于香港联合交易所上市的 公司。奖 项 由公众提名,再由买方及卖方分析员及基金经理投票选出。 「投资者关系承诺计划」为今届新增设奖项,旨在表扬承诺奉行投资者关系最佳守则的香港上市公司及为投资界奠定新标准,表扬愿意投放更多资源于投资者关系的上市公司。该计划现已得到香港金融发展局、香港特许金融分析师学会、香港证券及投资学会及恒生大学商学研究所四个业界同行的支持。

维珍妮获颁「投资者关系优异认证」 及「投资者关系大奖」(连续三年) 。

維珍妮憑一貫優秀的投資者關係表現 連續三年 奪得 「 投資者關係大獎 」獲頒首屆「投資者關係承諾 證書 」

09/15/2021 | 投資者關係

維珍妮憑一貫優秀的投資者關係表現 連續三年 奪得 「 投資者關係大獎 」獲頒首屆「投資者關係承諾 證書 」

(2021年 9月 15日 香港訊 ))— 全球領先的貼身內衣創新設計製造商 (「 IDM」) 維珍妮國際(控股)有限公司 (「維珍妮」或「公司」,連同附屬公司,統稱「集團」)(股份代號 2199欣然宣布 於 「 香港投資者關係協會 —2021第七 屆投資者關係大獎 」 (「 IR大獎 」) 榮獲 「 投資者關係大獎 」 (連續三年及 「 投資者關係優異認證 」 並 獲頒 首屆 「投資者關係承諾證書」 ,再次證明集團於投資者 關係方面一貫的卓越 表現 獲 業界 充分認可。


IR大獎由香港投資者關係協會 HKIRA 主辦,旨在 表揚於投資者關係表現優越的專才及於香港聯合交易所上市的 公司。 獎 項 由公眾提名,再由買方及賣方分析員及基金經理投票選出。「投資者關係承諾計劃」為今屆新增設獎項,旨在表揚承諾奉行投資者關係最佳守則的香港上市公司及為投資界奠定新標準,表揚願意投放更多資源於投資者關係的上市公司。該計劃現已得到香港金融發展局、香港特許金融分析師學會、香港證券及投資學會及恆生大學商學研究所四個業界同行的支持。

維珍妮獲頒「投資者關係優異認證」 及「投資者關係大獎」(連續三年) 。

Regina Miracle Wins “Investor Relations Award” for Third Consecutive Year with Consistent Outstanding IR Performance Is Awarded Inaugural “IR Pledge Certificates

09/15/2021 | Investor Relations

Regina Miracle Wins “Investor Relations Award” for Third Consecutive Year with Consistent Outstanding IR Performance Is Awarded Inaugural “IR Pledge Certificates

(Hong Kong, 15 September 2021) Regina Miracle International (Holdings) Limited (“Regina Miracle” or the “Company,” together with its subsidiaries, collectively the “Group”) (HKEX: 2199), a leading global intimate apparel company boasting an Innovative Design Manufacturer (“IDM”) business model, has announced that it has garnered the “Investor Relations Award” for the third consecutive year at HKIRA 7th Investor Relations Awards 2021 (the “IR Awards”). The Company has also won the “Certificate of Excellence” as well as inaugural “IR Pledge Certificates”. Such achievements again highlight the widespread recognition that the Group enjoys from the investment community for its consistently outstanding performance in investor relations.

Mr YY Hung, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director of Regina Miracle, said, “We are gratified to be honoured again by the investment community for our efforts in investor relations. As a global leader in the manufacturing of intimate apparel, we believe our effective two-way communications with investors not only enhances investors’ confidence in the Group, but also facilitates good corporate governance. While offline activities have been restricted by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have still actively disclosed the Group’s business performance and development trends to investors via multiple channels. Meanwhile, we have also considered feedback from stakeholders when optimising and implementing our strategy. Looking ahead, we will maintain high standards of transparency and corporate governance, as we constantly strive for improvement in all fields”.

Organised by the Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (“HKIRA”), the IR Awards aim to acknowledge companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as well as their professionals for demonstrating excellence in investor relations. The awards are open to public nomination, with winners decided by the polling of buy-side and sell-side analysts and fund managers. The “IR Pledge Program” is newly launched by HKIRA this year, with the objective of commending Hong Kong listed companies that are committed to observing best practices in investor relations. More importantly, it aims to set a new benchmark in the investment community for recognising companies that are willing to invest greater resources in IR. The Program is supported by four industry peers, namely, Financial Services Development Council, CFA Society Hong Kong, Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, and Research Institute for Business of Hang Seng University.

Regina Miracle receives the “Certificate of Excellence” and “Investor Relations Award” (3 consecutive years).
Regina Miracle garners the inaugural “IR Pledge Certificates” at the HKIRA 7th Investor Relations Awards, demonstrating widespread recognition from the investment community for its consistently outstanding performance.