Latest Progress on the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda – Two-page Coverage in the Chinese Edition of “Bloomberg Businessweek”

Latest Progress on the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda – Two-page Coverage in the Chinese Edition of “Bloomberg Businessweek”
Regina Miracle International (Holdings) Limited (HKEX: 2199), a leading global intimate wear company boasting an Innovative Design Manufacturer (“IDM”) business model, is pleased to share its two-page coverage on the Chinese Edition of “Bloomberg Businessweek”.
Regain Miracle has set its 2030 sustainable development agenda, echoing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, so as to promote the development of carbon reduction, waste management, sustainable innovation and people and community. Among them, environmental protection-related performance indicators achieved impressive results last year. Thus, the Group would like to take this opportunity to share with readers its long-term efforts in realizing sustainable development on top of achieving excellent business results and continue to realize sustainability through solidarity with all stakeholders.
Please find the Chinese coverage attached or access the below link for your reference: